• Nick Crowder – BA (Hons.)

    Reg. Member BACP. ACC. ICF. FlnstLM & CSOL

    Hello, and welcome to The Trellis Practice. I am an Integrative Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Therapeutic Coach, and Clinical Supervisor working with individuals, couples, and small teams, both in-person and online (via Zoom), by telephone, text, and email, across the UK, and Internationally.

    In my role as a therapist, I use various modalities (tools) which include Person-Centred, Solution-Focused, Systemic, Psychodynamic, Cognitive Behavioural, and Schema Therapies, with the added benefit of Self-Organised Learning.

    I have twenty-five years of experience in pioneering and delivering learning-centred, cognitive, emotional, and behavioural development programs, courses, leadership development, and Supervision. My work has been in the commercial and charitable sectors, in the UK and overseas in-country, including the conflict/post-conflict zones of Liberia and Burundi.

    My work as a Counsellor, Therapeutic Coach, and Clinical Supervisor, has been significantly informed through this learning and extensive lived experience. My past and present clients have stated how they are/have benefited from my broad and in-depth lived experience, enabling them to feel ‘safe’ and ‘heard’ in the counselling ‘room’. No matter what they wish to bring, we work together to find resolution.

    Over these years I have seen a consistent theme present with the majority of my clients; the echo of each person, couple, or small team, desiring to know themselves more acutely. Why do they say, do, and react to the circumstances, and others, as they do? Why do they experience anxiety, fear, depression, or a lack of self-worth, security, or significance? What holds them back from achieving all that they desire? How can they function more healthily in personal and working relationships? What has happened in their past that makes them who they are today?

    With self-awareness and intentionality, in whatever we do, knowing ourselves is powerful. Knowing ourselves gives us an insight into why we tend to respond and behave in certain ways in specific circumstances. Knowing ourselves is also a solid step towards better understanding other people and with more clear-mindedness.

    There is much that could be said here, but the most important factor is whether a client and therapist believe they can work well together.

    The success of this client/therapist relationship is known to be the most powerful part of any therapeutic and personal development journey as we seek resolution to those things that constrain us from being all we can be.

    If you’ve read this far, I guess you’re serious about finding someone to work with.

    If you’d like to have a free initial 30-minute chat with me via Zoom, why not take the next step and contact me? Alternatively, maybe you’re ready to jump straight in and book your first session.

    Either way, it would be a pleasure to hear from you. Thank you.

  • ” Just superb! You’re a ‘needle in a haystack’ and so patient with my complexities.” 

    “Responsive, flexible, curious and challenging. My first experience of more ‘active’ therapy. Nick helped me consider and resolve questions and historical challenges beyond the superficial.” Social Worker

    “I now know why I do things the way I do and think the way I do. I’ve started to find me: I wish I had found Nick earlier!”

    “I was kidding myself about taking control by ‘choosing’ to run away from burnout, stress and anxiety. Working with Nick has been amazing, enabling me to discover, understand and address my unhelpful internal drivers.” Fraud Squad. Home Office Police Force.

    “This is the gently challenging, eclectic, and empathic Supervision that really helps me recognise, understand, and accept my growing edges while being affirmed, supported, and equipped. Supervision is often my monthly highlight.”

    “My sessions with you have given me the safe space and ‘permission’ to speak out about what I’ve held in for many years. My sessions have been so brilliant, though challenging at times! Thank you.”

    “I trusted Nick, and the Therapeutic Coaching process – it’s changed my life, maybe even saved it”. Commando, Royal Marines.

    “We were a passionate but can be a pretty dysfunctional small team. Astonishing how Nick worked with us. His depth and breadth of experience and his insights were so astute. A very timely investment.”

    “…so attentive, personable, and brilliant at drawing out of me what I didn’t realise was there.” Mother, Cotswold artisan & home-maker

    “I thought it was normal for blokes to ‘do porn’, I didn’t realise the damage it was causing me, my fiancé, my brain, my self-worth. Nick was brilliant, I’m (we’re) very thankful to have been recommended to him.”

    “Thank you for helping bring back our son to us.”

    “I came to Nick a wreck, anxious, depressed, marriage disintegrating, fed up with work – never heard of Therapeutic Coaching; staggered at the results and better for it, as is the family and business. Thank you!” Blue chip CEO

    “You’re the first therapist (of many!) who’s helped me find resolution.”  

    “Scary taking the first step, but quickly discovered it was the best move I’ve ever made!” Serial Entrepreneur

  • Session & Service Rates –


    Individual Counselling & Psychotherapy**: From £70 per session* (Free initial 30-minute conversation)

    Couples Counselling: From £85 per session* (Free initial 30-minute conversation)

    Therapeutic Coaching: From £110 per session* (Free initial 30-minute conversation)

    Supervision – Clinical & Coaching (Individual, Group & Small  Team): From £75pth**. Please contact me to discuss your requirements

    Charities/Individuals In-Country: All of the above services are available remotely or In-Country (predominantly, Africa). Please contact me for a conversation

    * Concessionary rates may be available depending on your personal circumstances.

    ** Charity Sector, Counselling students or NHS? Concessions may be available.

    As a charity,  when grant funding/donations are in-hand, The Trellis Practice is able to offer free or concessionary services to clients, community groups & charities that benefit the wider community. Should you feel this may apply to you/your group or your charity, it would be a pleasure to hear from you.

    For further information or your free initial 30-minute consultation, please click here